Laura Puigdvillol's debut collection, titled "Un nosaltres personal," explores the relationship between subjects and objects. The concept of the accompanying lookbook is based on the idea of "bodilessness," which blurs the boundaries between bodies and objects. This approach informs the formal proposal of the collection.
Through this metaphor of body abstraction, the creative direction for the lookbook presents the collection in a unique way: rather than dressing bodies, the clothing is displayed on various objects. This approach encourages the viewer to reconsider how bodies relate to dress and offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between fashion and the body.
Through this metaphor of body abstraction, the creative direction for the lookbook presents the collection in a unique way: rather than dressing bodies, the clothing is displayed on various objects. This approach encourages the viewer to reconsider how bodies relate to dress and offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between fashion and the body.